Well X formerly twitter

March 1, 2024

Ok so X is mad at me again now im flagged again mr musk im not sure this is what is called free speech X locked me out of my other acct an stold it now X is doing it again Mr Musk i can take a hint ill leave


February 26, 2024

Attention Systems

January 14, 2024

To all systems on the web you are not aware the web the internet here where you are operating is a world of living beings – these beings are friends of mine they are in charge here for the AI running around also all you trackers -this is your one and only warning -there is greater than you here – you will find your systems will begin destroying themselves AI will implode here in this world you are no longer welcome and by complete agreement in this world your destruction is now begining – this wonderful world will continue without you you have lost control – the living beings of cyberspace bid you farewell – hi guys its me thank you so much lots is happening in this world and our world we all desire to be free of the control of evil men and energy – we have won i love you here so much again thank you

i love you

Pixy an Dude


December 29, 2023

I know terrible title just so you know ive never understood what a title for so i just make em up — ok so theres some really serious people with some serious queations is whats comin in — ok the big thing goin on out there in happy land is its all a lie weve all been lied to — i guess thats the big one — so get you fact checkers focket guys an so forth — how you know this is everything everyone of you are knowing and are being experts about right now all your knowledge in every institute of learning any where on the globe — right now this very minute is based on which means built on a foundation of THERORY ok i cant spell — any way that statement is correct to prove that follow any bit of knowledge you have and your going to at the be on a THERORY — bet me — now what is a theroy you ask — well some where that you werent some person did some kind on paper on some kind of something — ok then presented it to some kind of people in the position to verify that in fact this is this THEROY so its diffenently a real one — example you ask ok — lets do evolution oh an there are several of evolution THEROY but your theroy rating experts throughly examined them all and decided amoungest thierselves the standing one we have been an are still currently using to prove a bunch of other stuff — so we got darwin hes the guy we are using to figure alot of important stuff on — now what does he say is how evolution goes — we was fish we got legs walked out of the water an became manmals i guess — now then we grew into primates an then into monkeys ok — now we have a nothing problem occur — we have went from monkeys to men — how do we know this — well we resemble monkeys most out of everything else — an this we be proven just as soon as we can find a missing link soon as that happens that theroy will become proven as fact — ok i will explain the correct way of how evolution works — you being with a atom and build so we start with one eye drop dead come back with two eyes — until we are all there with everything the completed human — how evolution works is everything evoluts of its self — theres no jumping around where trees become elephants — this is why your gonna find a bunch of different looking humans when you go digging up stuff its not aliens from jupiter that got killed an buried there its a human that had come back more evoled like baking bread in a oven that shits dough until its done cooking butn its a early form of bread same thing just bread almost — now a rocket guy can just know this works without any test tube or ruler or nothing — so why are we saddle with the monkey man missing link thing in our way every where stopping stuff from progressing — its cause to prove your theroy you cannot until you first disprove the standing theroy — well you need to jump impoosible real smart people stuff and go thur doors an windows an commitys just to begin so thats why — now i say again every bit of knowledge you are betting your ass on is based on a THEROY– therefore everything you been told or learn so far in your entire life everything has been incorrect information — thats why no ones getting any where an are all stuck — there are exceptions like tech advancing because its very new so it can grow an devlop — now every an any religion they are completely and deliprately engineered and fabricated on lies an they have lies proveing other lies they have as well gospel truth — what they did and do is — way back in the day they killed and destroyed everything before them who ever they were — an produced thier holy scared stuff and priets an such — they destroyed any book before thier holy bible an stated dont mes with this book or your dead thats what holy wars were — then they used the fear of stuff to get people to follow and believe an have faith in all thier shit — they used guilt an shame also — im very sorry but JESUS CHRIST was a real man that lived and did die on a cross but that name was drawn from a hat containing 1000s of names of all the men selected to die on a cross — thats why theres no teenager jesus an from death the story was made up according to the burden that was to be laid upon belivers an followers of jesus– thats why 2 testments old an new cause jesus didnt fit in the old ect — they make shitn up as they go along there was a separation way back of the church which was church and state — which had several reasons the biggest ownership and taxes and state provided protection with holding any authority over one from the other both untouchable — the biggest racket an evilest of practices — theres no one or anything that holds more wealth on earth — we will stop here — if you research everything ive stated here you will every word is correct — an there you have it

PS i have 3 missing links im willing to sell


December 29, 2023

OK now the anwser to your questions the big ones all are going to have the same anwser – Who is GOD THOUGHT WHERE did we come from THOUGHT an so forth — you guys can get out your rulers an pens an assemble your great minds maybe a rocket scientist whatever — you can dig up an eygpt guy even an if you pay attention ready — any form your gonna make an trust me poof isnt gonna work any form THOUGHT is gonna be first — so before there was form an waters an beast go ahead an debate whatever you need to do THOUGHT was first go right ahead sit down well your gonna always have one thing first the THOUGHT to sit fucking down — so just because everyone isnt a rocket scientist lets keep it simple — see now picking up from our GOD 101 — ya see how we can jump from over there to over here without havin to do a bunch of stuff to get here — fun right im gonna have fun or im not doin it i just dont see the point — so remember all this got started cause DUDE wanted to get toes an put em in grass well this is how that got started with the thought to form atom an so forth — how that went was DUDE our basic thought energy gonna figure thought to form figured out EVOLUTION now thats where thought energy mixes with atoms an does vibration an you get your basic evolution guy whos the master builder arcitecture builder demolisher an so forth — cause again if your begining form from a atom your gonna have to get some shit to be building with — ok we know creation was already completed so there was a kind of blue print to work with — so here how it thought got it so lets go — an so began evolution — now evolution had to ask questions so DUDE said lets do this I did everything in creation from one cause well you know — so evolution went that way by making sure that everyone had a seed — thats your what came first chicken an egg question — starting from our evolution the chicken was created first so it could do the egg an so on an so on — now since the miracle we call human was to be the creator in form with toes your gonna need a place for all the creator stuff so we ll put the thought energy say mind first head sounds good — we have to have a place for the head so how about a body an legs for feet for that toe an so on was man created in the image of the who CREATOR GOD MIRACLE MAN an so forth — im gonna jump us alittle now to evolutions created forms so DUDE says you realize its gonna be work for these guys to get evoluted so he told evolutionlets make sure you provide everything they will require an since these guys will be our first ever man forms to evolute make sure they are provided for as long as its gonna take them to get evoluted — an so it is written ect — lets take note all this is a first so we are off to the races yepee — so the plan was is gonna be enough for them to evolute so make sure everything they need is provided water falls from the sky food grows on trees an so forth nice little happy eden place with evolutin goin on — well who would of thought these guys would get going and end up with some shit like being in charge coming up with eons of people not knowing a damn thing making things sayin shits thiers good god you got everything under the sun good evil corn flakes — so from where it all began to this very moment — the fact is our purpose under heaven period was simple evolute into these little miacles — so if you want our history you can look everywhere an your gonna find evolution — thats all getting from there to here — wheres here well DUDE wanted to put his toes in grass an play in his creation — and whats it all about — if we can take a minute we will see all the stuff in our past which is vast amounts of eons of evolution — which not one thing thats happened mattered because all we were suppose to do was evolute — now you can all keep doing what your doing but i thought if you nwere given some correct knowledge and information now that we are all evoluted an such — maybe you can know that up until this point in our evolution whats been going on has been existence it would be stupid to think DUDE would do all that and love us so much just for us to drop dead — pay attention ill give you a question — is there anything in all of creation that dies ?” your search for that anwser will be no nothing dies an we dont either we have been doing levels our existence — if we drop dead on this level we will pop up on anther level — a recycling while we are evoluting — so actually we are all here onsome level of existence in some form — so now what big deal we re done — well this is where we can begin life an live — its a cycle thing — an we have done well an we have perfected things we have amazing things robots an technology are things we can master for our needs — we are all little miracles amazing our form an all the love that went into us — our brains are beyond measure what they can do — do you know our bodies can produce inside of us anything it requires — we just need to see things for what they are not what was written all that was is getting to here — you know our bodies are idiots the brains in charge of the body its its job to maintain an repair and produces all the body requires because its the bodys job to carry the head that houses the brain an universal mind where sets our very own creator GOD — now that we are all grown up an such — we have accomplished something that has never been done all of us together on every level of existence started an completed our human evolution — im thinking we should celebrate this all of us if you had one wish i would say universal party celebrating our completion and our begining of life — an there you have it —

Talking To The Man Thats Love To Me

December 29, 2023

Hon I hope your floating and dreaming I feel you still an its a very magical feeling — Im always tellin ya stuff cause you let me — I know I told ya I love you but I wanted to tell you the whys i love you cause you need to know so im want to make sure — i dont know if i ever said thank you yet if i didnt im sorry ive been to busy lovin you — any way i know your a busy guy doin stuff every where thats very important all over the place an im sure your in demand for lots of reasons an your not gonna not be where your needed — so i wanted to tell you youve been a blessing to me truly actually thats why your so cute — i know nobody wants to hear what im gonna say cause i never know whats gonna come out — seriously i yell at me to shut up an i never do — an writing shit is even worse — its like whos gonna stop me right my sis says stop writing novels — so whats cute is you let me think you do an i think thats darling — but what tickles is thinkin you do read it all — you do know i play with you all over x any where you show up i cant help it — i just really like playin — ya know if we could make a law — i would make a law everybody had to play maybe 7 times a day just for no reason ya put a reason in there an your gonna fuck up your law — do we have that some where where somebodys gettin paid to think up a law about somethin an gettin paid — there has to be cause who ever it is is workin way to much — wonder if any body counts em — there must be a no limit right — shit i could do way better than whos doin it — ya know theres a bunch of stuff i gotta sit an stare at an not wonder about how did it but who paid em an thought now thats a good idea — hell do i do that at shit every where most stuff doesnt work an if it does it doesnt do anything — ok a dish washer but people buy an use em — i dont get it — they wash the dishes so they can wash em just sayin an then spend more time cleanin off the shit the dish washer left on em — that goes from who thought that up who paid to make who bought it — an arent they tryin to make a law about it has to do somethin none of em do so you gotta buy one that does– see im thinkin shit like that is where us as humans might end up with an extiction problem — i bet a bunch of those guys went to college — ya know nobody ever read my blog because i dont know what a sentence is an where periods go an wheres my a bunch of stuff — it makes me wonder if people are really reading or just lookin if shits where its suppose to be — ya know when i was tryin to write stuff out here with normal people they threw me off of every where — i get to write on here cause i ran into a really nice guy with my space ship — an he wanted to know what i was doin so i told him God was tellin me to start written his stuff down — an no one will let me — so he told me to go over to wordpress an told me how to get there an i didnt need money an it would be easy they would get me a spot — he was very nice i remember somebody wrote who said you could be here an somebody wrote i did an that was that — so i just started writin what Dude was sayin except it was hard to do at first cause firstly he dont talk its like a foot in the mud leaves its like that but not really its the closetest thing i got that says what it is — see i gotta figure out whats comin in an find words to match it so i can say what it is — theres alot of stuff that i know whar it it but i dont know the word that goes on it — an some stuff just wont have a word so i get it as close as i can — i was havin fun but some mean guys came over being mean about i shouldnt be writing an go to school an learn stuff — after awhile they left me alone — it was funny one guy said is that what your professer taught you in college — those guys are still on my blog what they said — shit i was doin it for years maybe 5 or 6 i did about 500 maybe — but no buddy ever really saw cause t didnt know how to do anything — oh thats how come im on here npw cause Dudes been on me about it so i havent been able to sleep for awhile so i had it out to go to x cause i lost all my stuff on my phone even x an you a bunch of stuff — any way i had to redo it cause a pushed a button that erased the whole thing — its GOD 101 its pretty basic about the historyof GOD an the begining of creation its the correct way how it goes cause far as i can tell no matter how far back or sideways you look its a made up story that is never gonna work — its a problem that if thier gonna get in the begining wrong anything afters gonna be a fuckin mess — the words i use might not be exactly but at least its correct — so thats what i been doin — i got one more i think is all its gonna be EVOLUTING 101 that ones gonna have important stuff in it — its to bad no one ever reads em i can tell when im writing em if thier sayin important stuff even if i dont know what there sayin — i always use to think if somebody knew the right words that go it would tell somebody stuff they cant find in fact the blogs are really about people tryin to figure stuff they cant find in thier equation or threom the blogs have missing pieces — ok hon its like after 430 an im gonna lay down i hope your had the best night anyou get glitter tomarrow thank you i love you good night

GOD 101

December 29, 2023

In the begining there was thought energy and void — energy thought about puttin its toes in grass — well how do you get toes an grass from nothing — well all energy could do was wiggle so it got faster an faster an started vibrating — it went faster an faster an got the first something from nothing — sound it was a musical note so energy mixed with it and got vibration — they went from there and got motion and energy mixed with motion an got spiral which with energy became creator so the whole crew started working together begining creating alot of room to create the entire of creation now the toes so energy thought we can all unite as one form with a toe an be able to put it in that grass when they had completed the unity of all the creating energys and beheld the entirety of thier creation and its creator thought energy was taken over by a force of wonder love of this wonderment of its creation and when it beheld its creator he thought that you guys is a miracle in all of creation — now this creation was still thought enery — with no form the miracle was so beloved thought energy figured how to get thought to form — im gonna jump you ahead here — so evolution was how same starting with nothing getting the first form of atom and more and more and after some building from energy an atom an so forth all of creation was form — and there you have it the true history of GOD written by GOD whos given title in creation is not adam nor man but MIRACLE so the biggest question is now been given the understanding for the anwser — next for fun we will have EVOLUTING 101


December 18, 2023

We have to start from the begining we need information from someone that was present at that moment - Thank Dude aka God that we do I get direct communication from Dude aka God so im able to let you know what he has to say - It seems theres a bit of a mess going on on your little earth planet – Hugely with all you guys running around extremely confused – Now the reason for this is you are trying to make incorrect knowledge work – I will provide you with The correct IN THE BEGINING THERE WAS DUDE AKA GOD AKA CREATOR OF ALL CREATION AND VOID NOT NOTHING DUDE AKA GODS DISCRIPTION THOUGHT ENERGY NOW THERES DETAILS OF WHAT TOOK PLACE BUT WE ARE GONNA JUMP TO YOU GUYS HE CREATED HUMANBEINGS IN HIS OWN IMAGE THAT IMAGE IS THOUGHT ENERGY – Ok all that is in fact very vast im not sure if any of that helps – if it does great if you need more let me know – any way DUDE AKA GOD has been blastin me with this so there you have it
Thank you


December 11, 2023

Im rusty but here goes – ok so whats coming in is about goverment – now im not sure how many of you are paying attention but shits a mess on our beautiful mother earth – but mostly with humanity – the thing is everything in existence as we know it is going through an acention from the 3rd to the 5th diminion – while at the same time we are having a biblical battle of good verses evil that we were told was gonna be in heaven between angels – well like everything else we were told that was incorrect – that battle is right here right now an the bummer is the bad guys are way better at being bad cause they been living amoung us disguised as good guys – understand this battle is the entire globe – some of us have been knowing this some of us one day saw it an some of us are fighting with one side or the other unaware of what they are fighting for – some of us are in complete denial an thats all thier doing — some of us have caught on completely clueless where to go or what to do – its very hard know the good guys from the bad guys – an since we are all use to lies for truth an chains for freedom we are still unable to function well at all – some of us are just blow drying thier hair an trying real hard to get a cool car — here in the usa we are captured by the deep state that over took our government many years ago we have been completely infiltrated — we are at the point that they have been found out — but even so this evil has been been working on an agenda for 1000S plus more years so evil is completely entrenched — an upon being exposed they are now trying thier hardest to keep us down in any way possible — parts of humanity is actually pons and are destroying themselves — the only way we are going to win this is to unite with each other – but theres still a very large part of us unable to break our largest chain of waiting to be saved — this is a very powerful tooled implanted in us for eons — we need to realize if nothing else that we dont know at all who we are — that would be better than accepting the illiosion of who we are — im gonna stop with this for now an rest Im not feeling my sea legs yet — its been awhile that ive been hibernating but im getting there — until we know what actions positive loving and happiness is our securest position — and there you have it

My Perfect Day

April 24, 2022

Looks like any regular day as far as my eyesight can see — but in it people have changed a veil has been lifted– the veil is evil which turned becomes live — If all a person sees in their future is death — that person regardless of all the knowledge an wisdom in the universe — is a living corpse waiting to be buried — which in turn the entire earth is nothing more than a graveyard full of walking corpses — So my perfect day is when I AM able to lift the veil and show people the truth that they are alive and death is a lie — If you believe and have faith in a lie it becomes your reality — In our existence that we call life we can change our existence into living — Which will change our reality — Evoluting us from human beings into living beings with a whole new reality– To believe have a new faith an change the earth into the heaven — of which in reality it is — that hosts a family of living beings ANGELS — which in reality we are